Thanks for Stopping By

Monday, June 25, 2012

Mr. Policeman & His Wife

Khitanan Figurines

Power Ranger cake for my Ian

My son, Ian love power rangers and for his 4th B'Day he asked for Power Rangers cake.

So, here we go. I made the red ranger figurine and 4 other rangers mask as well.
Happy B'Daay honey, wish you a healthy, happy and blessed life. God bless you abundantly

Chinese New Year Cake

Princess BDCK for Jessie

My First Princess Theme BDCK. I use small barbie doll and put it on a cupcake n then dress it.
Love it 
Thank you Ce Tienna for the order ^_^

Camera Cake for Sandra

 This is from Sandra for her husband's birthday - so sweet isn't she.

I carved the camera and decorate it with fondant. Not so detail yet, and I hope next time I can do better.

Figurine's detail. Love the cute little girl and the mom a lot. well the "Dad " too

God Bless you and your family Sandra 

Hello Kitty Cake for Syafira

This order came from Ima, one of my colleague - a surprise gift for her friend.
I love the color shade of this cake. So girly and sweet.

The Kitty figurine looks like Mrs. Shifu - female form of Mr. Shifu, Kung Fu Panda's teacher :p 

Thanks for the order Ima, can't wait for the repeat order ^_^

Winnie The Pooh n Friends for Dainia

Thank you Fei Fei for the order. This one is for her daughter Dainia. She asked for Pooh n Friends.
My favourite is Eeyore. He is so cuuutteee ^_^

Look at that cute smile Love it love it love it ^_^
Thanks for the order Fei and God Bless Dainia

Baby Figurines

This one is a colaboration order from my friend - baby figurines theme for one month cake 
I love to make them in various position. So cuteee... Kawaiii ne ^_^

These figurines published on this site as well. Check it out

Shaun The Sheep For David

Finally I can update this blog again .... yaaaayyy
Actually this one is made early of this year, a BDCK for David
Enjoy everyone ^_^

Monday, January 9, 2012

Puding Jeruk

Beberapa waktu lalu lagi pengin bikin puding jeruk, tapi gak mau yg busa, pengen yang laen dan tanya mbah google nemu resep yg manteb di punya mbak Mamiek.

So, minta ijin copas resep buat praktek, dan hasilnya adalah ini
Segeeer dinikmati di siang hari bareng temen2 tersayang.

Resepnya sedikit dimodif dari resep asli karena ini untuk puding cup :

Bahan :
  •     2 bks agar-agar tidak berwarna (saya pakai Swallow Globe brand)
  • 200 gr gula pasir (Elvi ga pake, udah manis nutrisarinya)
  •  30 gr Nutrisari - (Elvi pake lgs 2 bks nutrisari/1 bks ager2nya)
  •    1 klg jeruk kalengan (pisahkan jeruk dari cairannya
  • 1150 cc air (Elvi pake 750 ml/bks ager2)

Cara :
  1. Rebus agar2 sampai mendidih, sisihkan sedikit untuk "mengikat" jeruknya, sisanya tambahkan nutrisari setelah uapnya ilang.
  2. tuang di cup tunggu sampai mengeras
  3. beri jeruk kaleng, ikat dengan agar transparant. Masukkan ke lemari es. Enyaaaaaaakkk
Resep asli ada disini
Makasih banget mbak Mamiek atas sharingnya. lain kali mau coba yg percis sama kaya mbak Mamiek punya aaah

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Cupcakes for Yunita

Masih dalam rangka Natalan, ini order dari Yunita.
Christmas cupcakes for her friends...
Ini penampakannya: ada 20 cupcakes dan aku buat beberapa jenis figurine nya: Santa, Snowman, Christmas Tree, Bells, Chrtistmas Treats.

Christmas Tree, Christmas Treats, and the Bells

The Snowman

Waktu aku tanya Yunita gimana feedbacknya, dia bilang cakenya enak, tapi ada temen yg bilang ada Santa yang botak (lgs kuaget aku - pikiran pertama, waduuuh topinya mlorot pas delivery ini. ternyata, setelah aku cross check ama Yunita - gak kok, cuma topine agak mlorot jadi kelihatan botak :D. Ini lho penampakan Santa yg botak heheheheheheh

Santas are in the meeting to decide who deserves the Christmas gifts hohohooooo.. :D

Snowman with earpuff --- brrrrrr freezing
Thanks to Yunita for the order. Ditunggu repeat ordernya yach hehehehehe GBU

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Cake

Ini order tanggal 23 Desember lalu, tapi baru sempet upload sekarang ^_^
Orderan dari Anas (thanks ya say...). Ordernya 4 loyang brokus keju + 1 loyang brokus yg dikasih 3D figurin.

Yg brokus keju sama seperti punya Meita yg ini ya  so, I just want to share the one that is with figurines. Just see how cute is the Santa n the snowman (saya suka saya suka - meme Mode ON)

The Full Show ^_^
Hohoho..... Santa brings you lots of gifts
Brrrr.... I'm freezing ^_^.
 Thank you Anas for the order and hope you really enjoy it. Hug.. hug...hug...